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seminarium Niklasa Wahlberga w ISEZ PAN w Krakowie

: piątek, 10 marca 2023, 12:03
autor: Łukasz Przybyłowicz
Dla chętnych wklejam zaproszenie na nasze instytutowe seminarium. Poprowadzi je Niklas Wahlberg z Lund University w Szwecji, który jest wybitnym badaczem specjalizującym się w filogenezie motyli: ... s-wahlberg

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to our ISEA PAS seminar which will take place on Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the conference hall of ISEA PAS (Slawkowska 17 street, Cracow). The seminar will be presented by prof. Niklas Wahlberg (Lund University). The title of the seminar is: “Using DNA data to understand the evolution of Lepidoptera”.
The seminar will be in hybrid mode (both physical and virtual attendance). To access this meeting online please use the logins presented below:

Microsoft Teams meeting
Meeting ID: 397 896 792 848
Passcode: 9PrXnX

We look forward to seeing you online or in person in ISEA PAS.

Everyone is welcome!